Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations

ESWRA is seeking nominations for two Annual Awards for Outstanding Publications:

  1. The ESWRA Award for an Outstanding Publication in European Social Work Research.
  2. The ESWRA Award for an Outstanding Publication in European Social Work Research
    Based on a Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation.

The second award is open to all who were doctoral students at the time of the research nominated for the award.


The winners will receive:

  • The registration fee for the ECSWR 2025 Munich 14th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE FOR SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH  12-14 March 2025
  • 500 Euro
  • A certificate of award presented at ECSWR 2025 Munich

Eligibility criteria for the awards

The awards are made for social work research papers published for the first time either in an Advance Access format or in hard copy during the period 1st January to 31st December 2024

Nominations for general awards must be for articles published in a peer reviewed social work or equivalent social science journal; nominations for the doctoral award must be for articles based on the candidate’s PhD research.

For the doctoral award, the degree must have been awarded no earlier than January 1st, 2018 (awarded’ means when the University formally wrote to confirm acceptance of the PhD thesis rather than the graduation ceremony).

Nominations for either award must demonstrate a significant contribution to research against the following criteria:

  • Overall research quality, including appropriate rigour, transparency, and validity.

AND at least one of the following:

  • Explores a demonstrably new area of research.
  • Demonstrates methodological innovation.
  • Makes a significant conceptual or theoretical contribution to its field.
  • Has a (potential) impact for policymakers, practitioners, and other research users.

The awards will go to individuals whose research and publication are deemed to have made the most significant contribution to research in social work of those put forward for consideration.

In the case of articles with more than one author who must meet the criteria, the certificate of award will be given to all authors (the authors must decide among themselves how to share the conference fee and the 500 Euro prize).

Nomination process

Nominations for the awards should be made no later than January 31st, 2025.

A nomination for the award should include:

  1. A completed nomination form which is available below or can be requested at (self-nominations are welcome for the general award).
  2. A proposal statement of not more than 1,000 words in support of the nomination. The statement must include the reasons for which the article is a candidate for the ESWRA award, not for instance the biography of the author or the abstract of the article. In the case of the doctoral research award, the statement could be provided by either a supervisor or external examiner.
  3. A copy of the publication in English or a link/citation to where the publication can be accessed in English.