As part of ESWRA’s commitment to keeping Members informed we are developing a calendar of social work research events, and we would like to invite you to share news about Conferences, seminars, open lessons and other events that you think may be of interest to other ESWRA members. You can submit information about events in your area by using this link, it is quick and easy to do, we are counting on your participation to build a resource that will enhance social work connections across Europe and beyond! Thank you to be an active member of ESWRA!
IMISCOE will host its first online conference on July 1 & 2 and you still have 6 more days to register until June 26! During the last weeks, the conference committee worked hard to re-schedule not only many of your presentations, but also to create an amazing social program and additional highlights. For a full programme, please visit the IMISCOE-website.
Our Keynote speakers, Biao Xiang, Professor of Social Anthropology, and Anna Triandafyllidou, Professor of Sociology, will reflect on researching in, for and with migrants during the pandemic and what the current crisis means for our research field.
CFP: IMISCOE 17th Annual Conference: Crossing Borders, connecting cultures (Luxembourg) - Open to upload your paper/panel/workshop proposal (30 June - 2 July 2020).
This conference proposes to zoom deeper into people’s migration experiences by foregrounding how migration is connected to culture. We will explore the nexus of migration and culture in more depth asking how migration is lived, experienced, mediated, and reflected through everyday cultural and artistic practice. Thereby we seek to deepen our understanding of the complexity and diversity of migration experiences on the one hand, and the possibilities of connecting different migrant experiences and groups of people on the other.
You can submit either one individual paper, panel or workshop proposal (all sessions will each be assigned 90 minutes) for a double-blind review, using the links on the website.
Submission deadline is December 1, 2019
The twentieth anniversary of the degree programme in Social Work at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is an occasion for a reflexive assessment of the status quo, to discuss recent research findings, to develop new perspectives for social work as profession and academic discipline, and to celebrate together.
This year's Societal Challenge 6 Brokerage Event & Proposal Check, organized by Net4Society, will take place on 12-13 November 2019 in Bratislava, Slovakia.
This international event will highlight research topics covered within the 2020 calls for proposals in Societal Challenge 6 Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies of Horizon 2020. Participants will have the unique opportunity to join pre-arranged meetings with other participants in order to identify possible collaborators and to facilitate the setup of Horizon 2020 project consortia.
More informaiton here: http://Net 4 Society
The challenges of Democracy: Making Society in Times of Individualization
20-22 November 2019 Porto and Coimbra, Portugal
Deadline for Abstracts 15th July 2019
For more information
The conference titled -practice Meets Research- will be hosted by the Department of Social Work at the University of Melbourne on our Parkville Campus.
This conference the aims to bring together practice researchers to collaborate, innovate, and celebrate practice research. Gathering together at an international conference such as this presents us with many opportunities to deepen understanding, build new knowledge, and contribute to policies and practices that respond to our most pressing social concerns.
The conference will welcome as plenary speakers local and international leaders at the nexus of practice and research. We will introduce the speakers progressively over the coming months.
We invite academic colleagues and practitioners at all levels of experience in research to participate and will be profiling early career researchers, PhD candidates and practioners interested in including research in their practice.
Please register your interest in receiving conference updates
The call for abstracts will be coming out in the coming month. Abstract submission will open on the 15th of June 2019 and close on the 15th of October 2019. You will be notified of the outcome in December 2019. Early bird conference registration will be available at AUD680.00.
The University of Melbourne looks forward to seeing you in May 2020!
Kind regards
Prof Lynette Joubert
Conference Chair
The Mental SIG met for its inaugural business meeting at the ECSWR Conference in Leuven, Belgium. We believe that SIG has a lot of potential and we discussed some of the ways to realise that potential in the meeting. The plan we discussed is to:
1. Organise pre-conference sessions for #ECSWR2020 in Bucharest Romania on 22nd April 2020.
2. Organise a symposium for #ECSWR2020 Bucharest Romania Conference.
3. Set up an online collaboration and email infrastructure for the SIG.
4. Gather information from across the jurisdictions in Europe as to mental health social workers work interfaces with local mental health services.
5. Contribute to the twice yearly ESWRA newsletter, and circulate the copy dates.
6. Write mental health Blogs / and record Vlogs.
7. Maintain our ESWRA webpage
8. Encourage further membership.
Longer-term aims include:
1. Writing a special issue within a journal
2. European focused MH book
Sarah and I as co-chairs for this year look forward to working you and realising the plans above. For more information please &
Dear colleagues,
the twentieth anniversary of the degree programme in Social Work at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (South Tyrol – Italy) is an occasion for a reflexive assessment of the status quo, to discuss recent research findings, to develop new perspectives for social work as profession and academic discipline, and to celebrate together. We therefore invite you to participate with a contribution to the following conference.
AWAKENING, CONTINUITY AND CHANGE 20 Years of Degree Programme in Social Work
November 21st and 22nd, 2019 Faculty of Education – Brixen-Bressanone
We look forward to receiving your abstract of about 500 words in German, Italian, or English on the following topic areas (please indicate at least one):
1. Child and family social work
2. Elderly people, care work, social and health integration
3. Minimum income, social inclusion and participation
4. Migration, mobility, transnational approaches
5. Social service organisation(s), social policy
6. Community, space, eco-social development
7. Diversity, culture, education
8. Research, social work education, professionalisation
9. Other fields of social work practice
The abstract submission deadline is July 15th, 2019.
Please submit your abstract via e-mail to this address:
Authors will be notified of acceptance of their abstracts by July 31st, 2019.
For general information, please visit the homepage of the conference:
A selection of the conference papers will be published as an edited volume with bu,press.
We look forward to welcoming you to the conference!
For the organizing and scientific committee
Susanne Elsen, Ulrike Loch, Urban Nothdurfter, Claudia Lintner, Andrea Nagy, Laura Trott
Faculty of Education
Free University of Bozen – Bolzano