The Research Resources and Member Services Committee will produce and pursue a strategy of developing resources which will be of benefit to members in pursuit of the aims of the Association. Resources may include the development of networks and processes to facilitate collaborations between members; and materials (in written, audio, and visual formats) that deliver useful content to members.
These recordings and podcasts give you the opportunity to listen - or listen again – to presentations from the European Conference for Social Work Research as well as expert lectures. We hope you enjoy the thought-provoking, interesting and valuable insights in social work research
You can find instruction on how make your video here: Record your voice explaining your slides as if in front of an audience. Please, your video should be no longer than 15 minutes.
Please ensure that your video is of a high quality keeping in mind that it should be:
To other organisations and publications
The Research Resources and Member Services Committee has developed an online register where members can find colleagues who might share the same research interests and who has published in their field. Having a central library will benefit colleagues who are new or emerging researchers in their field, and for members in different countries who share similar interests. In time, we hope that these will promote the potential for international funding bids which will strengthen social work research throughout the association.
If you have not already, we would like to invite you to add your details to the register so that you can be found by other colleagues who may want to make contact with you.