The issue of interdisciplinarity has become wide spread in debates around scientific research, particularly in the social sciences and humanities. One of the main arguments in favour of interdisciplinarity is that the development of research relevant to problems in the real world often goes beyond disciplinary boundaries.

In her Professorial Lecture, ‘Social Work Research: Identity, Interdisciplinarity and Impact’. Elaine Sharland, Professor of Social Work Research, University of Sussex and the present chair of ESWRA, explores this theme and we are delighted that she is sharing it.

Professor Riki Savaya

We are glad to be able to offer to our friends and members the opportunity to listen Prof. Riki Savaya presentation to the 1st Social Work Research Conference in Italy. Riki Savaya is Professor of Social Work and was Director of the Bob Shapell School of Social work, Tel Aviv University. Riki Savaya’s presentation is particularly relevant as it introduces an interesting example of quantitative research in social work, exploring the productive connection between research, policies, and practice.

Associated article; Savaya, R., Bartov, Y.; Melamed, S.; Altschuler, D. (2016) ‘Predictors of Perceived Changes by Service Users: Working Alliance, Hope, and Burnout’ Social Work Research, Vol 40, issue 3, Sept 2016, p183-191.

ESWRA warmly thanks Riki for agreeing to share her work with our members.